Welsh Schools Ventilation Progress


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Gladestry C.I.W. School (Powys)

School LEA number: 666

Type: Nursery, Infants & Juniors

Type (Welsh): English medium

School Number: 6663026

Phone Number: 01544 370207

Address: Gladestry, Kington, Herefordshire, HR5 3NR

Students: 40

Wikipedia URL: TODO

Estyn (Schools Inspectorate) URL: https://www.estyn.gov.wales/provider/6663026

School Website: http://www.gladestry.powys.sch.uk/

School’s overall airborne virus protection grade (0-5): 0

Discord, Facebook, or WhatsApp group for discovery/advocacy for THIS school: TODO

School’s policy on Ventilation: TODO

School’s Ventilation Work Completion: TODO

School’s Air-Purification: TODO

School’s CO2 monitoring to actively drive ventilation and filtration: TODO

School’s Wikidata URL: TODO

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