Schools Ventilation Progress

Other countries may be listed here later. Or states/provinces, or even cities if the list of schools would be too large otherwise. Each of these would need (say) ten people willing to oversee the curation of all the pages for that area. It only takes one person to make the list of all schools for that area, but momentum needs other people to step in and take ownership of the quality of the updates per school.

Some of those people volunteering should be individuals with significant GitHub skills - maybe software developers who’re COVID-is-airborne savvy and have kids themselves. Or a school’s IT teacher who does not want to get reinfected with COVID again.

People getting GitHub accounts to do this work may be happy to pick a pseudo-name that doesn’t identify them. With that, each subgroup should work out how to trust the contributors and how to quickly vet people for trustworthiness. You don’t want to admit people that’ll edit pages down to “it is just the flu, losers”.

GitHub savvy coder/developers…

  1. Git clone Do not fork it on GitHub, you won’t be able to donate it back (step 15)
  2. delete the .git/ directory
  3. Delete all the directies that contain Alberta schools. They all start with a capital letter: find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name '[A-Z]*' -exec rm -rf {} +
  4. Edit to change AB to the name of the repo you’re thinking of, like Los_Angeles. Also Alberta to Los Angeles. Be sure sure to delete all inside schools = { } first.
  5. Same for _config.yml
  6. Go off to AI to get a list of school districts inside the state/province/city you’re dealing with
  7. Get AI to turn that into schools= { "district_name": [ {"school_name": "School Name"] }
  8. Pretty-print that same code block in your IDE
  9. Taking one set of schools at a time (AI can’t do too much in one go), ask AI to fill in address, phone, website, student_count but not to fake any data, instead leaving “TODO” placeholders. Lots of trial and error needed.
  10. Run python3 and examine the result.
  11. Delete product of #10 and refine python script as applicable
  12. Git init, git add . (as you’d expect). Make a Los_Angeles (or whatever) repo on GitHub, do the git remote add line is suggests (and main branch)
  13. Commit and push
  14. Go back into GitHub settings for that repo and turn on GitHub-Pages
  15. Go check the site online soon after
  16. File an issue in suggesting a transfer of the ownership to the ‘ventilate-schools’ org. Engage in the resulting convo. If completed the ‘site’ automatically and fairly instantly goes into (or whatever).
  17. Continue providing some form of leadership for Los_Angeles (or whatever)

You can also engage @Its_Airborne on Twitter/ to discuss things.

See also: